Scenarios for 2017 ATC are as follows: The Pit, Take and Hold, Extraction, Outlast, and Recon.
Not necessarily in that order, though.
WiTC -Wisconsin Team Championship
Scenarios for 2017 ATC are as follows: The Pit, Take and Hold, Extraction, Outlast, and Recon.
Not necessarily in that order, though.
Let us know what you think of them.
We’d like to thank all the teams who have signed up for the event. We’re extremely excited to have such a large turnout for first year.
We do want to make a quick announcement. We have a LOT of preparations still to do, and knowing that we wouldn’t have time this coming week to validate them, we have moved the list registration deadline back to February 17th. That’s right, our stress is your gain. Enjoy the extra week to strategize!
Also, remember that registration for solo Masters is still open, so if you have any locals who couldn’t fit in your team they’re still welcome to come along.